Acquire companies in Bosnia & Hercegovina

Acquire companies in Bosnia & Hercegovina

We support investors with rounding out their service and product portfolios as well as opening new markets and regions.

Our prepared and focused purchasing strategy is your starting point for a successful transaction.

Our targeted approach offers many advantages to our client:

  • Development of a search profile based on a specified company strategy
  • Presentation and quantification of opportunities and risks
  • Development of an optimal transaction structure while taking transaction-related framework conditions into account
  • Optimization of the transaction value and consequent minimalization of the buyer’s short- and medium-term financial burdens
  • Support in designing the sections of the sales agreement relevant to financing
  • Accompanying implementation and integration

We support our clients with searching and contacting potential purchase objects

The Due Diligence (DD) comprises a careful examination and analysis of a specified target company

Depending on your demand for information, we offer a Full Scope Financial Due Diligence as well as a Red Flag or Selective Focus Due Diligence.

The results of the Due Diligence become an integral part of the sales agreement.

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